How to Clear Exchange ActiveMonitoring Trace Logs

Dear friends, today I am going to give you a tip for exchange server. you might have noticed that on exchange server, after installation it generates some trace logs daily, and each logs size is about 250 MB, which consumes your installation drive day by day.

the logs gets created as below location

c:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Logging\Monitoring\Monitoring\ActiveMonitoringTraceLogs

these logs are no use to us, and it consumes our valuable exchange storage. So, How do we get rid of it?

Goto your exchange servers

Open <ExchangeInstallPath>:\bin\MSExchangeHMWorker.exe.config  in a administrative notepad

Find the Line <add key=”IsTraceLoggingEnabled” value=”true” />
and change to false and save.
Reboot server and you can now clear the logs in the monitoring path
and they will not regenerate

If you take you time to look at the bottom of this config file it will say “Used for Exchange Online only” Microsoft have confirmed this has been set to true in error

If you download the tool, Windows Directory Statistics you can see the drive usage like below image.

Windows Directory Statistics

Windows Directory Statistics

Mehedy Mizan

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